Why Aren’t You Sleeping Through The Night?

Why Aren’t You Sleeping Through The Night?

There’s nothing quite like waking up after a good night’s sleep!  But unfortunately, that isn’t the case for most adults. If you are struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night, you’re probably looking for a way to feel refreshed come morning.

Before you can get the night’s sleep you deserve, you need to figure out what is causing your sleep problems. Here are a few of the most common reasons why you aren’t sleeping through the night.


Do you rely on coffee to get you through the day? If you’re like most Americans, you enjoy the caffeine-filled beverage as a morning pick-me-up — but have you ever enjoyed a cup in the late afternoon or evening? When you have caffeine in your system at bedtime, you may find yourself unable to fall asleep. 

If you do, caffeine can also leave you feeling restless throughout the night, often causing you to wake up multiple times. Don’t forget that caffeine can sneak into your diet through tea, candy, soda, energy drinks, and other treats as well. Any form of caffeine should be avoided about five hours before you plan to hit the hay to ensure you sleep soundly.


While a stressful day can leave you feeling drained, it can also make it impossible to fall asleep. Whether you’re stressed or anxious about your work or personal life, you may find yourself struggling to fall asleep because all you can think about is the cause of your stress. Before heading to bed, find a way that relaxes your mind and lets go of any tension that may be making it difficult for you to shut off your mind at night.


Everyone has preferred sleeping preferences. Some people like sleeping with the television on, while others cannot fall asleep with any noise or light. Your partner may prefer sleeping with the air conditioning on really low while you enjoy a mild 72 degrees.

 If you’re sleeping in an environment that doesn’t suit your needs, you’re going to have a difficult time not only falling asleep but staying asleep. Most people have their best sleep when the room is dark, the temperature is set between 60 and 70 degrees, and there is some form of white noise in the background.


Although alcohol may seem like it's making you sleepy, it can lead to a poor night’s sleep. While alcohol will help your body and mind relax and fall asleep quickly, you’re more likely to be woken up mid-sleep cycle as the alcohol metabolizes in your body and prevents you from reaching REM sleep. When indulging in alcohol, try cutting yourself off a few hours before bed so your body can metabolize it before you fall asleep.

Late Night Snacking

We’ve all been there — you get a craving for that salty bag of potato chips at 11 p.m., which then turns into a full-on meal. Eating large portions of food, especially greasy or sugary snacks, can lead to indigestion and acid reflux problems. Avoid late-night snacking, and if you need something to hold you over until morning, opt for a lighter choice. 

If you’re hungry, don’t avoid eating something in fear of it keeping you up. By not nourishing your body when it’s telling you it wants food, you may find yourself waking up due to hunger pains throughout the night.

Sleep Apnea

Sometimes sleep problems aren’t caused by the temperature of your room or late-night snacking but because of obstructive sleep apnea. An individual suffering from obstructive sleep apnea will stop breathing multiple times throughout the night. 

This occurs when the soft tissues of your throat collapse and create a blockage within the airway that leaves you gasping for air. Frequently, you won’t even know it’s happening to you, but you’ll wake up after a full eight hours of sleep feeling completely unrested.

ApneaMed Provides At-Home Sleep Apnea Testing

If you suspect you have obstructive sleep apnea, ApneaMed’s at-home sleep apnea test provides a comfortable, convenient, and affordable option that you can perform without stepping foot outside the comfort of your home.

If you have any questions about our at-home sleep apnea test or our sleep apnea treatment equipment, contact our team to learn more.

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