ApneaMed Home Sleep Study

Sleep apnea can be detected and diagnosed with a home sleep test unit from ApneaMed. Traditional sleep studies are costly and time-consuming. They are valuable for diagnosing multiple sleep disorders but unnecessary when sleep apnea is your only concern. A home sleep test is a more practical solution compared to traditional sleep studies. ApneaMed provides an effective and quick method for diagnosing sleep apnea.

A Home Sleep Study Is Simple

If you’re looking for a simple solution to diagnosing and treating sleep apnea, start with our home sleep test. We will send a sleep test unit to your home. Following the instructions provided, sleep with the test unit for one night and send it back to ApneaMed.

A board-certified sleep physician at ApneaMed will review the data captured by the home sleep test unit, which includes blood oxygen saturation, breathing patterns, respiratory effort, body position, heart rhythms, and other bioelectric information. They will then notify you of the results of your test. Should sleep apnea be detected, the physician will also have recommendations for your treatment.

The Sleep Apnea Home Test Unit

The ApneaMed home sleep test unit is easy to set up on your own and includes the following:

  • Portable sleep data monitor - This monitor will collect data regarding your blood oxygen saturation, breathing patterns, heart rhythms, and other bioelectric information as you sleep. It is small and rests comfortably on your chest.
  • Chest strap - A comfortable, adjustable elastic band is placed around your chest and attached to the portable monitor. At its full length, the chest strap is 67” long. This length can accommodate most users.
  • Heart rate sensor - A heart rate fingertip sensor (pulse oximeter probe) is worn on the finger and attached to the monitor.
  • Nasal cannula - The nasal cannula loops around your ears and under your chin. The cannula can be adjusted for a comfortable fit and secured to your cheeks with the provided medical tape. It then connects to the monitor.

ApneaMed provides everyone who purchases our home sleep test with detailed instructions on how to position everything and in what order you should put the sensors on, so you can have a successful sleep test.


Benefits Of Our Sleep Apnea Home Sleep Test

A home sleep test for detecting sleep apnea is a great alternative to lengthy and costly sleep studies. Customers appreciate the ApneaMed home sleep test for many reasons:

  • Faster results - When undergoing a traditional sleep study, the results of your test may take longer to analyze. With our home sleep test, the turnaround on your results are fast, and one of our patient care representatives will be in touch in case you have any questions about your test results.
  • More affordable - A traditional sleep study can be very expensive. By choosing our home sleep test, you can cut your sleep apnea testing costs dramatically.
  • Easy setup - You won’t be hooked up to a plethora of wires with our home sleep test. Instead, you can just position the device, heart rate monitor, and nasal tubing before drifting off to sleep.
  • DOT-approved - Our test is approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT), so if you need to undergo testing to remain compliant with your licensing and company, our test is an excellent alternative to a pricey sleep study if you need to be tested for sleep apnea.
  • Greater comfort - Going in for a traditional sleep study can be uncomfortable, as you are away from home and need to try and sleep while being monitored as well as being attached to multiple devices. Instead of doing this, you can do your sleep apnea testing from the comfort of your own bed.


Ordering The ApneaMed Home Sleep Test Unit

ApneaMed has made it easy for you to test for sleep apnea in your home. Visit the home sleep test ordering page then click “Add to Cart”.

We offer three shipping methods which you can choose from during the Check Out process:

  • Standard Shipping
  • Express 2-Day Shipping
  • Overnight Shipping

Depending on your location and your preferred shipping method, shipping costs will vary. After you have chosen your preferred shipping, you will need to enter your payment method. At ApneaMed, we accept:

  • American Express
  • Apple Pay
  • Diners Club International
  • Discover
  • JCB International Credit Card
  • MasterCard
  • PayPal
  • Visa

Once the check out is complete, we will send a home sleep test unit to the provided address. The sleep test unit comes with detailed instructions for use as well as return shipping instructions.

ApneaMed Partnership Programs For Professionals 

To help more individuals receive effective obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment, ApneaMed has partnership programs available for a variety of professionals ranging from health care professionals to trucking and transportation management.  

There are three different types of professional partnerships available:

  • Referral partnership - Professional refers a patient to ApneaMed for testing. 
  • In-Office partnership - Partnered professional has a home sleep apnea test unit in-office and provides it directly to patients for testing purposes.
  • Mail-Out partnership - Professional partner orders home sleep apnea test from ApneaMed, and we mail it to the patient. 

For more in-depth information on our partnership program and the various professionals we partner with, click on this link.  

Treat Your Sleep Apnea With The Help of ApneaMed

An ApneaMed board-certified sleep physician will review the results of your home sleep test and discuss the diagnosis with you. They can help you choose a treatment option based on your diagnosis.

We provide medical-grade sleep apnea equipment. This includes: 

  • ApneaMed AutoPAP machine
  • Replacement masks
  • Replacement filters
  • Replacement hoses 

Those who take our home sleep test will receive a $100 coupon code to use on their purchase of the ApneaMed AutoPAP. 

If you have questions about our home sleep test, the ordering process, or other inquiries, be sure to contact us. Our patient care representatives are waiting and eager to assist you as you set out to treat your sleep apnea and improve your health.