How to Convince Your Partner They Snore and Need Help

How to Convince Your Partner They Snore and Need Help

cpap cpap mask home sleep test mouth breathing Obstructicve Sleep Apne obstructive sleep apnea Sleep sleep apnea sleep apnea symptoms snoring

We all value the moment we get to crawl into bed after a long day to share pillow talk with our partners. But when you turn out the lights, you’re probably hoping to fall into a deep sleep that leaves you feeling refreshed the next day. So when your partner begins snoring loudly, you’re in for a rude awakening — quite literally! There are few things more frustrating than sleeping beside someone who snores all night long. While it may start as a minor nuisance, it often leads to frustration in a relationship. If your partner’s snoring keeps you awake...

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Does Fitbit Work to Track Sleep Apnea?

Does Fitbit Work to Track Sleep Apnea?

cpap fitbit home sleep test sleep apnea sleep apnea symptoms sleep testing

There are few things more frustrating than getting a bad night’s sleep — especially when your wearable device lets you know about it as soon as you wake up. Many individuals rely on their smart trackers, such as Fitbits, for more than just step counting.  In recent years, Fitbit has introduced new technology that provides wearers with detailed insights into their sleeping patterns, helping pinpoint a deeper issue that needs to be resolved. While wearable technology makes tracking sleep possible, can a Fitbit track sleep apnea?  ApneaMed walks you through how Fitbits track sleep and if they can reliably diagnose...

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How Do You Know If Your Partner Has Sleep Apnea?

How Do You Know If Your Partner Has Sleep Apnea?

osa sleep apnea sleep apnea symptoms

Sleeping next to the person that you love can be a relaxing and restful experience unless, of course, your partner’s snoring and restlessness are keeping you awake as well. Many people that have sleep apnea have no idea that they have it until someone tells them that they might.  You may already be complaining about their snoring, which is one of the primary warning signs of sleep apnea, but it is hard to be positive that is the problem. Whatever the cause of their snoring, it may be time to talk to your partner about how you both can bet...

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